Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Acadia National Park

*Acadia National Park is one of the most visited national park in the United States.

*Acadia National Park is located in Bar Harbor, Maine.

*The establishment of this park was in 1919.

* The average amount of visitors per year is about two million.

a hiking/biking trail

*Main attractions in the park include: camping, hiking, biking, bird-watching, skiing, snowshoeing, carriage rides, and of course the natural attractions.

* Tours of the park are also available.

*There are twenty two bodies of water in this park.

* At least twenty four species of fish live in these waters.

* Over forty different kinds of foliage have been found throughout Acadia National Park.

deer are one of the many species found in the park

*Forty different species of mammals are in the park, including deer.

*In the park there are over two hundred and seventy three kinds of birds also.

* Six thousand five hundred types of insects are also in the park.

* The climate in the park is pretty moderate, nothing too extreme.