Thursday, September 24, 2009

Arches National Park

The Arches National Park is located in Utah on the Colorado Plateau. The park contains 2000 sandstone forms and has unusual rock forms. Also some areas in the park include a lot of years of geologic history. The national park is a red arid desert. In addition the National Park's sandstone forms can be known as fins, balanced rocks, and arches. In Arches National Park you can..........






-Off Roading

The Arches National Park is the world's largest concentration of natural stone arches.

The National Park is 73000 acres which is 3,179,880,000 ft2.

The Colorado River creates one of the boundaries for this National Park and that boundary is the southern one. The climate in the Arches National Park are through the months of June and September, the temperature can be 100 degrees F and maybe even more. However in the months December through February, the temperatures can be below 32 degrees F.
In this national park there is a place where you can observe many of the arches and that is called the windows section. Another feature that is presented at this park is Fiery Furnance. This is not an arch it is maze of red colored ridges with gullies in between them. a third thing in the park is Salt Valley and that is a very deep depression that goes through the center of the park.